The genus Bunium (Apiaceae) comprises about 50 species spreading in Asia, Europe and North Africa. The genus Bunium comprised 14 species in Iran. It has various biological activities related to digestive and urinary tract disorders. In traditional medicine, it has been used in chronic stomach diseases, colitis, jaundice, chronic cholangitis, swelling and kidney stones. Aerial parts of Bunium kuhitangi Nevski and Bunium microcarpum (Boiss) Freyn & Bornm. were collected from Golestan provience, Gorgan, Golestan Park, on June 2020, essential oil extracted by water distillation method (Clevenger-type apparatus) for 3 h to obtain the essential oil. Chemical composition of the essential oil was analyzed by Gas chromatography (GC), Gas chromatography and Mass spectrometry (GC-MS), simultaneously. Main components from B. kuhitangi . were 9-epi-(E)- caryophyllene (35.38%),α- copaene (8.38%) and δ- selinene (7.35%) and main components for B. microcarpum. were 9-epi-(E)- caryophyllene (73.61%),γ- cuprenene (8.37%) and a-cadinene (5.75%). β-caryophyllene is a pale yellow oily liquid with an odor midway between odor of cloves and turpentine. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the chemical constituents of B. kuhitangi. from Iran. In this study, it was aimed to clarify the chemical profile of essential oil obtained from B. kuhitangi and B. microcarpum.. and to determine its main compounds.
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Jaimand, K. , Rezaee, M. , Azimi, R. , Nadery, M. , Fekry, S. and Golypour, M. (2021). Chemical Composition Essential Oils of Bunium kuhitangi Nevski and Bunium microcarpum (Boiss) Freyn & Bornm.. Journal of Medicinal plants and By-Products, 10(2), 179-182. doi: 10.22092/jmpb.2022.354529.1359
Jaimand, K. , , Rezaee, M. , , Azimi, R. , , Nadery, M. , , Fekry, S. , and Golypour, M. . "Chemical Composition Essential Oils of Bunium kuhitangi Nevski and Bunium microcarpum (Boiss) Freyn & Bornm.", Journal of Medicinal plants and By-Products, 10, 2, 2021, 179-182. doi: 10.22092/jmpb.2022.354529.1359
Jaimand, K., Rezaee, M., Azimi, R., Nadery, M., Fekry, S., Golypour, M. (2021). 'Chemical Composition Essential Oils of Bunium kuhitangi Nevski and Bunium microcarpum (Boiss) Freyn & Bornm.', Journal of Medicinal plants and By-Products, 10(2), pp. 179-182. doi: 10.22092/jmpb.2022.354529.1359
K. Jaimand , M. Rezaee , R. Azimi , M. Nadery , S. Fekry and M. Golypour, "Chemical Composition Essential Oils of Bunium kuhitangi Nevski and Bunium microcarpum (Boiss) Freyn & Bornm.," Journal of Medicinal plants and By-Products, 10 2 (2021): 179-182, doi: 10.22092/jmpb.2022.354529.1359
Jaimand, K., Rezaee, M., Azimi, R., Nadery, M., Fekry, S., Golypour, M. Chemical Composition Essential Oils of Bunium kuhitangi Nevski and Bunium microcarpum (Boiss) Freyn & Bornm.. Journal of Medicinal plants and By-Products, 2021; 10(2): 179-182. doi: 10.22092/jmpb.2022.354529.1359