Aims and Scope

The Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-Products (JMPB) is committed to publishing rigorously peer-reviewed, high-quality, original results and authoritative reviews of both fundamental and applied research in the area of all facets of pure and applied studies on medicinal plants, excluding those of a purely agricultural or horticultural nature, aiming at providing a unique platform to promote disciplinary developments and academic exchange. Collaborating with global researchers in related fields, from academia, industries and governments to share new research is another purpose of the "JMPB" journal. In addition, this journal can cooperate and collaborate with the non-government sectors in order to produce effective medicinal plants by providing scientific and accurate information. The scope and objectives of the J. Med. Plants By-Prod. encompasses, are always being updated, but is not restricted to the following aspects of with medicinal plants and their by-Products: 


Botany (Identification, Chemosystematics, Biosystematics,...)

  • Identification
  • Biosystematics
  • Chemosystematics


  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Chemical composition
  • Chemical synthesis
  • Toxicology


  • Cultivation
  • Plant breeding
  • Genetics

New Technologie

  • Biotechnology
  • Nanotechnology

By-products and processing

  • Bio products
  • Non-wood forest products
  • Extraction methodology
  • Drying


  • Biosynthesis/ biochemistry
  • Microbiological activity
  • Biological activity
  • Economics, marketing and export,…
  • Monitoring and assessment
  • Field testing
  • Financial planning
  • New medicinals analysis and prediction
  • Non-destructive testing (Harmless testing)
  • Supervisory Control and Data Assimilation (SCADA)
  • Reliability and risk management
  • Specifications 

The J. Med. Plants By-Prod. is an essential reference in which recent research and other information is shared and accessible by investigators within international community that work or have an interest in herbs, spices and medicinal plants. Papers considered for publication must contain a clear and well-defined scientific component and make a significant contribution to the identification of medicinal plants and their products. 

The Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-Products (JMPB) policy is to publish work deemed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to scientific knowledge and to put less emphasis on interest levels, provided that the research constitutes a useful contribution to the field. In addition, manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review by anonymous independent referees.

J. Med. Plants By-Prod. invites the researchers, research scholars, academician, industrialists, students, consultancies, etc., to employ this journal for publishing articles that deal with all main, sub, and allied disciplines of medicinal plants.