Peer Review Process

The Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-Products (JMPB) is a semiannual double-blind peer-reviewed web and print publication that covers all aspects of medicinal plants. Manuscripts are judged by one or two referees who are specialized in the subject matter of that manuscript. This review is such that none of the referees knows the names of the articles authors, nor are the authors known about the names of their reviewers.

J. Med. Plants By-Prod. is a peer reviewed open access journal that purposes to respect the international publication standards. To do so, the peer review process is done in a double blinded way where neither the reviewer(s) nor the author(s) are not aware of one another’s identity. In this way the review will be done without prejudice.


Guide to Registering

All manuscripts should be submitted via the journal's online submission peer-review systems according to the instructions given on this page. The submitted manuscripts that fit the scopes and the format of journal will be reviewed and enter the publication process after the editor-in-chiefs final approval. Please follow the instructions given on this link,

Peer-review procedures