Impact of Climatic and Geographical Conditions on Morphological Diversity in Pecan Ecotypes: A Study from Western Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Engineering, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran-Iran

2 Plant Breeding (Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering). Plant Breeding, Tarbiat Modares, Tehran-Iran


Given the significance of the pecan plant in various pharmaceutical and health industries, along with its extensive geographical distribution across certain regions of the country, this experiment was designed to assess the impact of climatic and geographical conditions on morphological traits. The study evaluated the genetic diversity of different pecan ecotypes collected from various locations in western Iran. Future research will investigate the effects of climatic factors and environmental conditions across four habitats: three located in Asadabad (Hamedan) Mousi-Abad Village 1, Mousi-Abad Village 2, and Najaf-Abad Village 3 and one in Kangavar (Kermanshah), specifically Kharkhane Village, situated in western Iran. The study aims to assess how these varying habitats influence the morphological traits of pecan plants. Pecan samples were collected and identified simultaneously in early July 2023. The results of the analysis of variance indicated that habitat significantly influenced various traits at the 1% probability level, including chlorophyll index, height, number of flowers per plant, number of leaves, number of branches, fresh weight of a single stem, total fresh weight of the bush, and dry weight of a single stem. Additionally, a significant effect was observed at the 5% probability level for stem diameter. Ecotype No. 4 (from Mousi-Abad Village 2) exhibited a higher total dry weight yield compared to the other ecotypes studied. Principal component analysis identified key components related to seed yield and plant height, while cluster analysis successfully differentiated the pecan growing habitats across the two provinces. This research contributes significantly to our understanding of pecan ecotypes' morphological diversity and adaptability to different habitats in Iran. The findings highlight the importance of environmental factors in shaping plant traits and provide a foundation for future studies aimed at optimizing pecan cultivation practices. By integrating traditional knowledge with modern statistical methods, it is possible to enhance the sustainability and productivity of this valuable medicinal plant.


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